Unlocking Potential
Powering Growth
Cairo, 14th January 2024 – With a remarkable growing performance and record-breaking sales, Madinet Masr (Stock Code MASR.CA), one of Egypt’s leading urban community developers, concludes 2023 with many successful achievements which further strengthened its established position among the top leading real estate developers in Egypt. Madinet Masr and its CEO are recognized by several […]
BPE Partners is pleased to announce that its flagship-managed investment vehicle, B Investments, has signed definitive agreements to sell its entire stake of 6.38% in TotalEnergies Marketing Egypt LLC (“TE”) to TotalEnergies Marketing Afrique SAS (“TEMA”) for a total consideration of USD 27.6 million. Furthermore, B Investments is eligible for an additional amount equal to […]
BPE Partners is pleased to announce that its flagship-managed investment vehicle “B Investments” has finalized the sale of its entire stake (economic interest of 44.7%) in Giza Systems to Solutions by STC, a subsidiary of Saudi Telecommunication Company (STC), at a total Equity Valuation of c. USD 119 million. It is noteworthy to mention that […]
B Investments’ board has accepted a binding offer for the acquisition of its entire stake (economic interest of 44.7%) in Giza Systems by Solutions by STC, a subsidiary of Saudi Telecommunication Company (STC). The offer values 100% of Giza Systems at an Enterprise Value of USD 145 million. The final Equity Value will be determined […]
B Investments is pleased to announce the establishment of its specialized healthcare company, B Healthcare Investments, with an authorized capital of EGP 1 billion, which intends to invest in leading companies operating in the Egyptian specialized healthcare sector. B Healthcare Investments signed transaction documents for the acquisition of a 51% stake in The Egyptian IVF […]
Vodafone Egypt announced today the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Ebtikar Holding for Financial Investments S.A.E.”Ebtikar”, the owning company of Bee and Masary for e-payments, in preparation for Vodafone Egypt to participate in a capital increase in both companies to reach a stake of 20% in each company. This step comes as […]
B Investments Holding is pleased to announce that it has entered into an agreement to sell 20% of its stake in Total Egypt to Total Outre-Mer for a total consideration of approximately EGP 146 million, in accordance with the exit terms pre-agreed with Total at the time of B Investments Holding investment in Total Egypt. […]
Ebtikar for Financial Investment S.A.E (“Ebtikar”), a leading investor in the Non-Banking Financial Services sector in Egypt (a joint venture between MM Group for Industry and International Trade S.A.E- “MTIE.CA” and B Investments Holding S.A.E- “BINV.CA”) announces today the completion of the acquisition of 10.1% of Masary in a transaction valued at c. EGP 42 […]
B Investments is pleased to announce that Giza Arabia (Giza Systems’ subsidiary in Saudi Arabia) has been awarded the Major Smart Water Meters Project in the Northern and West-Northern Regions in Saudi Arabia for a value of c. USD 30mn. It is noteworthy to mention that B Investments owns c. 45% of Giza Systems. In […]
B Investments’ Board of Directors approved the acquisition of a majority stake in Gourmet Group of Companies (Gourmet Egypt-GE and Gourmet Food Solutions-GFS – “Gourmet Group”) one of Egypt’s leading food retailing and manufacturing companies. The transaction entails the acquisition of 40% of the share capital of Gourmet Group for c. EGP 65 million and […]
Ebtikar for Financial Investment S.A.E (“Ebtikar”), a leading investor in the Non-Banking Financial Services sector with a shareholder base that includes MM Group for Industry and International Trade S.A.E – MTIE.CA” and B Investments Holding S.A.E – “BINV.CA” announces today the acquisition of 33.7% of Masary in a transaction valued at EGP 130 million. Masary […]
Ebtikar for Financial Investment S.A.E (“Ebtikar”) a leading investor in the Non-Banking Financial Services sector in Egypt (a joint venture between MM Group for Industry and International Trade S.A.E- “MTIE.CA” and BPE Holding for Financial Investments S.A.E- “BINV.CA”) announces today as part of a consortium with TCV and Acquire for Investment S.A.E the acquisition of […]
MNHD wants to open talks on merger with, or acquisition of, SODIC: The board of directors of Madinet Nasr Housing & Development (MNHD) has given its chairman the go ahead to open talks.
The retail tranche of B Investment’s initial public offering was 84.4x oversubscribed when bookbuilding concluded at the close of yesterday’s session.